Good Morning everyone! After being MIA for most of yesterday (I had a really strange headache...I think it was all of the rain we got here), I am back in action. I didn't even get the Mom Minutes post up. But, I am going to get it posted right now!
MOM MINUTES by A.Marie's Mom, Earlene:
The easiest way to save on your electric bill is to do a thorough check around your house and unplug energy-stealers. These might be the clock in the living room that you don't really ever use (because you can see the one in the kitchen), that cell phone charger that is plugged in but the phone is on the kitchen table (yes, it still uses energy even though it is not charging the phone!), the coffee maker that is still plugged in, but all the coffee is gone, the extra computer that is rarely used, etc. The list goes on and on, and all of the above are just money wasters. So, go around your house today, unplug, unplug, unplug, and you just might have a nice surprise on your next electric bill!! :)
**Also, start changing out all of your old light bulbs for the new energy efficient ones. An ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) will save about $30 over its lifetime and pay for itself in about 6 months. It uses 75 percent less energy and lasts about 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb.
By starting these small steps, you are not only doing something good for the environment, but you are also doing wonderful things for your budget!!**
Sorry about your headache, I get weird ones sometimes too. That is a good tip about unplugging things, I know I often forget about unplugging my charger all the time!
ReplyDeleteyay! I was checking for Mom's Minutes yesterday.
ReplyDeleteHi Jessica! The charger tip is one that I am definitely going to use...My Mom is so smart! :)
ReplyDeleteHelene: I told my Mom that I almost put "sorry Helene" on the post, because I missed yesterday! :)
Hi Alisa thanks for following I am also following you. If you want a code for your site I can make a new blog design and give you a code or I can install it for you. I will include a 125x125 logo for people to grab, signature, and other stuff for your blog. You can choose a design in my Blog design here then contact me of what design you wanted and the color. Ok i will wait....
ReplyDeleteI was going to post yesterday but I kept getting sidetracked. I was going to say "We want Mom's Minutes! We want Mom's Minutes!" and can you hear me pounding on my desk :-)Glad your headache is better but get with it girl :-) mom's got a fan club!
ReplyDeleteHello there A.Marie! How are u? Oh I love ur blog because of it's full of money-saving tips which I'm very interested in! :) Thanks a lot for the visit and the nice comment. I appreciate them. :)
ReplyDeleteLovely blog! Take care. :)
Tell mom that I've got almost all of my light bulbs changed over to CFL.
ReplyDeleteI'm almost caught back up so I should be around more. Stalk, stalk!
WOW Alisa, your people really missed you, of course me too!! I get on every morning to see your blog, then on my way to work when your phone rings at 6:50a.m., you know who it is!!!!!! ME See you Friday!! I'll bring your bread also. Love lil sis
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the comments gals! My Mom is thrilled that you all like her Mom Minutes. She is busy get next week's tip ready! I love the visual, Helene, of you pounding on the desk! HA! Yep..I must keep my mom's fans happy! :)
ReplyDeleteSonyaAnn, you stalker you! I'll stalk over your way sometime soon! :)
blessedmom...I just visited your blog yesterday afternoon! I'll be back sometime today (friday)! ;)