"This is the day the Lord hath made; he calls the hours his own. Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, and praise surround the throne........"
May you all have a very blessed Sunday...I am going to church this morning, then I plan on sitting down at my computer and visiting other blogs this afternoon. Since it is going to rain, and I won't be able to be outside, I can spend time inside! Maybe one of the blogs that I will visit will be yours! What Fun! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! As to your question regarding recipes, as you could tell I haven't done much lately. But this is the summer of cake! so I'll be posting pics and cake recipes here and there throughout the summer. You have a lovely blog and I like your ideas about making a dollar go further! Kudos!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I had to take a second look when you posted. My full name is AnnMarie :)